How to Dispute an Insurance Denial
Verify that the denial was incorrect. Check your insurance policy carefully to confirm that you are covered for the event for which you filed your claim. For instance, if your home was flooded, double check that your homeowner's policy covers floods, or if you loaned your car to a friend who then got into an accident, make sure your policy covers drivers other than yourself.
Check your policy for the company's appeal procedure. Your policy should tell you where to send your appeal and the deadline for filing.
Send a letter to your insurance company asking them to reconsider your claim. Even if your insurance company doesn't require such a letter as part of the appeal process, this letter will serve as written evidence that you alerted them of your intent to appeal. Keep the letter brief and on point. Be specific about what you want them to do--reverse their decision--and enclose any supporting evidence that might help your case (doctor's notes, photos of damage, etc., depending on the type of claim). Mail the letter certified mail so you have a record of mailing it.
Contact your state insurance board. If your insurance company won't work with you on the claim denial, and you still believe that they are improperly denying you coverage, your state insurance board can help settle the dispute. They will evaluate your case and act as a mediator between you and your insurance company to settle the claim. Your state government website will have the contact information for the state insurance board.
Hire a lawyer who specializes in insurance cases. If your insurance company won't budge and the state insurance board cannot help, a lawyer can help you file a case against the insurance company. Your state's bar association or a lawyer referral site such as can help you find legal representation.