How to Get Health Insurance When Returning to the USA
Get insurance when abroad. Most states have laws stating that an insurance company cannot deny an individual coverage if she had insurance within the past 60 days. While abroad, either keep your American plan or get another plan as soon as or before you arrive. If you get a new insurance plan, keep it your entire time abroad. Make sure there no gaps in coverage since lapses in coverage can be grounds for denial for those with pre-existing conditions.
Pay health insurance bills on time. If you need to, set up an automatic bank withdrawal with your insurance company before departure, or pay your premiums in advance. Insurance companies forfeit coverage when premiums are not paid on time. While abroad, it is easy to forget to do that, so work something out with your insurance company. You may need to keep your American insurance while abroad to ensure that you will have insurance upon returning.
Find out if your insurance company has international coverage. Many health insurance companies, such as Aetna and Blue Cross Blue Shield, cover a portion of international medical expenses. Call your insurance company before departure and find out how much they will cover for international medical expenses, such as doctor visits, prescription drugs and hospitalizations abroad. If you are dissatisfied with its international coverage, ask the company for recommendations for international or expatriate health insurance plans.
Find other ways of getting insurance when you return to the United States. The best way to get insurance is through a group health insurance plan, such as an employer-based plan, so get a good job upon returning to the United States. Unlike individual plans, group plans do not deny applicants for pre-existing conditions. If you are married or are a dependent under the age of 19, get under your spouse's or parent's plan. Other group plans to consider are those through an alumni organization, a community group or a professional organization.