What Is the Definition of a Full-Time Student for Health Insurance?
What Does It Mean To Be Full Time?
In typical conditions, a full time student is one registered for 12 or more hours a semester. This means that a student has to be registered for at least four classes that count as 3 credit hours each. Most colleges won't let a student overload on classes either. The most hours that a student can have (at most colleges and universities) without special permission from the dean is 18.
Online Classes Count
Online classes do count toward your full-time status. Independent studies classes may or may not count depending on how your college reports that class. Some colleges allow a student to take an independent study class over multiple semesters, so it can't be counted the same as a regular, semester course.
Just because you are a full time student doesn't mean that you automatically stay covered under your parents' health insurance policy. You have to make sure that you also fit into the age requirements.
Interesting Fact
Congress passed H.R. 2851, also known as Michelle's Law, in 2008. The law requires that insurance companies that offer students coverage under their parents' policies and that determine eligibility by the student's enrollment status to take up to a year (12 months) of medical leave without being dropped from the policy.
Other Factors To Consider
Some insurance policies (such as Blue Cross and Blue Shield's Federal Employee Program) offer insurance to any child of the insured parent as long as the child is under the age of 22 or unmarried. Each health insurance company is different and the only way to truly ensure that you are covered under your parents coverage is to contact your health insurance company.