The Best Health Care Plans for Expectant Mothers
Private Health Insurance Plans
If any woman finds herself pregnant and is without any health insurance coverage, they may be able to find relief through some of the health care options available to them.
Private Health Insurance Plans
While most companies consider pregnancy as a pre-existing condition and will not accept pregnant women for coverage, there are some companies that are willing to do that provided you pay a higher premium. If you have considered this, then get a plan that will provide coverage for all possible costs in pregnancy: regular checkups, doctor's services, ultrasound fees, medications and supplements, delivery, laboratory, operating room, hospital stay, surgical fees and postnatal care.
Federal Programs
For those who cannot afford a private plan, there is Medicaid, a federally funded medical care program that provides assistance for pregnant women who are qualified. A simple test to know if you are qualified is income. If you earn less than $30,000 a year, you may file an application. Once qualified, you need to look for a health care provider. After that, you do nothing else but avail yourself of the services. The health provider will file for reimbursement with Medicaid.
State Welfare Plan
It is possible that the state where the pregnant woman is residing in has a welfare plan for expectant mothers. The state of California, for example, has a maternity plan, but only for qualified residents, that provides full health care benefits during delivery, during pregnancy and for 60 days after delivery. It also provides full coverage to the baby for one year from birth.
WIC Program
There is also the WIC program by the Women, Infants and Children, a federal agency that gives referrals for health care during pregnancy. The agency also provides nutritious supplements for the mother and baby.