Champva Prescription Information
CHAMPVA refers to the Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Department of Veterans Affairs. This program offers prescription coverage as part of its comprehensive medical package.
As of 2009, CHAMPVA benefits cover 75 percent of the allowable charge of prescription medications at participating pharmacies. You can locate participating pharmacies at the SXC Health Solutions, Inc. website.
Mail Order
CHAMPVA offers the Meds by Mail program. Meds by Mail will ship your prescription medications to your home at no cost if you have CHAMPVA coverage.
FDA Approval
Medications must be FDA approved for use in treating the condition that they are prescribed for in order for CHAMPVA benefits to cover the medication. Medications from experimental programs are not covered by CHAMPVA.
Medicare Part D
If you are currently receiving CHAMPVA benefits and are eligible for Medicare benefits, you must enroll in Medicare Part A and B. However, you are not required to enroll in Part D prescription coverage and can keep CHAMPVA as your primary coverage for prescription drugs.