How to File an Appeal With Health Insurance
Go to your insurance company's website, and find out the process for filing an appeal with the company. You can also ask the customer service department over the phone about how to file an appeal.
Write and send a formal appeal to your insurance company. Include details about your health problems, your doctor's prescriptions and treatments and reasons why you need the insurance company to honor the claim. Also, include any medical records or documents that support your appeal. Give an emotional touch to your appeal about why you need the coverage.
Appeal directly to the president or company head if your health insurance company is local or regional. Find the appropriate email addresses online at the company's website. Send an email to air your grievances.
File an appeal with your state's insurance commissioner. Send a copy to the head of your insurance company. You can also send a copy to your local Better Business Bureau.
Inform your health insurance company that you'll contact the media. This may prompt the company to address your problem instantly.