How to Get Insurance to Pay for Laser Hair Removal
If you are interested in laser hair removal, you may be looking for a way to pay for the treatments. One consideration is whether or not you can submit a health insurance claim for this procedure. Generally, laser hair removal is considered a cosmetic treatment. Because it is viewed as an elective procedure, health insurance companies usually deny coverage.Things You'll Need
- Insurance claim
- Written medical necessity statement from health care provider
Review the provisions of your health insurance policy to identify what specifically is covered. In rare instances a health insurance policy may provide some nominal coverage to a generally elective procedure. Typically you must demonstrate a medical necessity for coverage.
Obtain a written statement from a qualified health care provider that a medical necessity exists for you to have laser hair removal. The practitioner needs to identify a physical reason for the treatment, as opposed to something rooted in a psychological issue.
Submit a written request for preapproval of your claim to your health insurance company. Allow sufficient time for a preliminary consideration as well as a review of your claim, as it is likely to be denied initially by the insurance company.