How to Get on Insurance Panels As a Psychologist
Things You'll Need
- Insurance panel fee schedules
- Credentialing applications
- License
- Proof of malpractice insurance
- Curriculum vita
- Attorney
Compile a list of insurance panels by inquiring with colleagues and other practices in your area to see which panels they use. You can also conduct research via the Internet by simply typing the keywords "insurance panels" into your preferred search engine. You want to make sure you will be looking at companies to which you are comfortable releasing the confidential information of your patients.
Obtain a copy of fee schedules from the insurance panels you are interested in by calling the companies and asking to speak to their provider relations department. With the fee schedules, compare the lowest fee you'll accept with what they will pay you. This is so you can create the final list of panels for application.
Apply with the panels on your list that have the highest rate of pay and the lowest amount of paperwork to complete. The credentialing application you will acquire from the provider relations department of each company will be approximately 12-20 pages in length, so set aside plenty of time to complete the applications.
Complete each credentialing application and return to the insurance companies, along with proof of malpractice insurance, your license and a curriculum vita.
Follow up with each insurance panel periodically, but not so much they become irritated by frequent contact. However, approval can take months, so you want to remain updated on the process.
Read your membership contract carefully and have your attorney review the contract for you before you sign it. You then return your signed contract to the insurance company so your membership can be completed. If you do not sign and return the contract to the insurance company, your membership will not take effect. Make sure you keep a copy of your contract, along with any amendments and fee schedules in a safe and convenient location.