What Can You Do to Health Insurance With a Life Changing Event?
Life changing events
There are different factors or changes in your life that will open the door of your coverage or non coverage outside of the open enrollment period. Divorce from or the death of a spouse who carried you on their health insurance policy may qualify you to purchase or cancel coverage with your employer. Marriage also qualifies, allowing you to add a spouse or to cancel coverage if you prefer to move to your spouse's carrier. If you have a new child through natural birth or adoption, this child can be added to an existing policy. A pregnancy does not qualify as a life-changing event because there is not yet a separate person.
If a life-changing event qualifies, you will be able to change your coverage options in mid-year. All changes must be made within a set time period, such as 30 to 60 days, after the event to qualify, as determined by your individual health insurance carrier or employer. Your rights to health insurance are protected under HIPAA--the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, according to the Department of Labor. If you feel you have experienced discrimination or were unfairly denied a change of coverage, you can file a complaint with the Department of Health & Human Services at hhs.gov.
Contact your human resources department as soon as you are aware that a life-changing event has or is about to occur. Make sure you are aware of your company's guidelines and deadlines, and don't be afraid to ask for help or further explanation. Good communication is the key to solutions and desired outcomes for both parties.
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