About Private Health Care in Ireland
The Miracle (and Expenses) of Life
Like most countries, private health insurance in Ireland is used to pay for private care in hospitals and offices of various health professionals. Three primary insurance providers currently offer private health care in Ireland, including the Voluntary Health Insurance Board (VHI), Quinn Direct, and the newly organized Vivas. Of these, the VHI is the largest provider of voluntary private health insurance and operates as a semi-state body using a board appointed by government officials such as the Minister for Health and Children.
The Public Option
Unlike in the U.S., residents of Ireland are entitled to certain free services before their private coverage is even necessary, including all in-patient public hospital services, including consultant services; accident and emergency department treatment (if your doctor refers you); and maternity and infant care services during pregnancy and up to 6 weeks following the birth. One survey conducted in the summer of 2006 concluded that a number of private patients in Ireland were waiting longer than public ones for certain types of procedures.
Private Insurance Benefits
The daily charge for public hospital accommodation averages 60 euro ($84.00) up to a yearly maximum limit of 450 euros ($634.00). Taking out a private health insurance plan will do little to fray the short-term costs of accommodation, but has the advantage of providing a private room for clients and "occasionally" shorter waits. General practitioner visits average around 45 euros ($63.00) and can be reduced under certain private insurance plans. However, considering the average cost of 1,000 euros ($1,410.00) per year for a private insurance plan covering a family of five, one would have to make a number of visits to make the plan worth it.
Additional Details
Of the four million citizens living in the Irish Republic, roughly half are currently covered by private insurance. Because of this fact, the "selective benefits" of choosing a private plan over a public plan are relatively minimal: you will not always be ensured of a spot in "the front of the line" for treatment procedures. However, in the case of large-scale, more complicated surgeries, a private insurance holder has the benefit of immediate attention. Considering the affordability of the private insurance plans compared to other industrial nations, many Irish residents who can afford the policies tend to purchase them.
Other Information
Irish taxpayer have the considerable benefit of receiving tax relief on all expenses paid for medical treatment and pharmaceutical drugs. Although not including dental or alternative treatment, this plan allows for Irish residents to receive the majority of their medical expenses back at the end of the fiscal year.