Is a Herniated Disc Considered a Pre Existing Condition?
Settlement Cases
In settlement cases, from events such as car accidents, insurance companies often try to argue against paying for problems related to a herniated disc, saying it is a pre-existing condition. But if a patient can prove the symptoms are much worse and have an effect on his daily life, there is a good chance the pre-existing condition will not be a big factor in the insurance settlement.
Health Insurance
Health insurance is notorious for denying claims of herniated disc tests or procedures because of pre-existing conditions. A lot of times acceptance or denial depends on how the doctor words the claim, meaning is the treatment deemed medically necessary.
Getting Health Insurance
If you are trying to buy health insurance, a herniated disc will definitely be considered a pre-existing condition. It will definitely factor into your premium and what the company will cover.
Pre-existing Prevelance
More than 20 percent of Americans are denied health coverage or charged higher premiums because of pre-existing conditions. Companies will also offer policies that exclude treatment of the pre-existing condition.
Prone to a Herniated Disc
In some respect, we are all prone to a herniated disc as we age because the disc gets more rigid and the muscles surrounding it typically get weaker. You are also more at risk for a herniated disk if you do repetitive work or intense labor that affect your back.