Oklahoma Medicaid Requirements
Who Can Apply for Medicaid in Oklahoma?
Adults who are pregnant age, 19 or older and not pregnant, disabled and elderly, and fall under certain income guidelines to meet eligibility. Children younger than 19 or children who have special care needs and fall under certain income guidelines may apply. Children with special care needs must meet or qualify for SSI (Social Security Income). A child whohas applied for Medicaid is based on the child's status, not the parents. A child can be approved for Medicaid and the parent can be denied. Aliens that are undocumented, qualified or non-qualified aliens may also apply if they meet certain requirements.
Income Eligibility for Oklahoma Medicaid:
The income eligibility for each individual varies. Income eligibility is based on the amount of income that is brought into the home before taxes. Each individual who applies for Medicaid in Oklahoma must fall within the income guidelines for family size to be considered for Medicaid. Medicaid guidelines vary slightly based on individual needs; thosedisabled have a different income guideline based on whether they receive assistance from SSI.
Citizenship Requirements for Oklahoma Medicaid:
Each individual who applies for Medicaid in Oklahoma must be a citizen in the state of Oklahoma. An individual is not able to reside in another state and apply for Medicaid assistance in Oklahoma. Proof of residency will need to be provided to be considered for Medicaid assistance.
Process to be Eligible for Oklahoma Medicaid:
The process time to determine eligibility varies depending on each individual's case. Those receiving TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families) payments already qualify and are automatically enrolled in Medicaid. In some cases those approved for Medicaid will be retroactive; the Medicaid will be back dated to start the day the individual applied.
Possible Out of Pocket Costs:
Depending on the income levels of the individual applying for Medicaid will also depend on whether the individual is required to pay a spend-down each month. Those with a spend-down will be obligated to pay a fee similar to a co-payment and will at times pay the fee directly to the Medicaid office in which the individual enrolled. Also, some individuals will pay co-pays when they visit physicians or when they pick up prescriptions. The co-pays vary depending on individual income and needs.