How to Receive Medical Services at Reduce Rates
Search for a free medical clinic in your area--but keep in mind that these clinics are not always entirely free. You can contact the county welfare office or a local hospital for referrals. Free clinics are designed to provide reduced rates for medical services. In some cases, you will qualify for medical services at no charge depending on your income and whether you have any other health care coverage.
Explain to your doctor that you cannot afford to pay full price for your appointments and any procedures she performs in her office. Talk to your doctor before any appointments and procedures if possible. You will want to explain how much (if any) medical insurance coverage you have. Do not demand or assume your doctor should offer you lower rates. Take the time to explain your specific circumstances so that your she can understand your need for her help in lowering her fee.
Contact the billing department at the hospital in which you need testing or medical treatments. Make sure to explain that you do not have enough health insurance to cover your medical needs. This step will be particularly beneficial if you have mounting medical bills but are not considered a low income individual or family. Hospitals are often willing to work with patients to offer lower rates if they know that you are at least trying to make arrangements to pay your medical bills. They are more likely to do so if you contact them regarding your challenges in paying your medical bills before your bills get out of hand.
Ask the billing department at your hospital if they have specific patient assistance programs for which you might qualify if you fall into a low income category. You will not know if any such programs are available at your hospital until you ask. Many hospitals have charity funds for patients who are not able to pay their medical bills in their entirety. These programs are often designed so that you will only be required to pay a certain percentage of your medical bills based on your income. You will not need to pay any remaining balances once you pay this required percentage. The application for such programs varies among hospitals. Be prepared to provide proof of income or lack thereof as well as information about your monthly living expenses. You will often need to provide proof that you do not have health insurance or that your insurance will not cover all of your medical expenses.
Join a medical discount program. You have probably seen offers online, on television and even in the mail for such plans. For only a few dollars each month, you can join a discount program that can help you to save as much as 50% (sometimes more) on certain medical services. You will need to find doctors and hospitals that participate in your medical discount program. This information can be found in your documentation for the discount program. In some cases, you will need to pay your expenses before you receive reimbursement for the percentage of services covered by the program. Even so, these discount programs can give you the reduced rates you need to be able to afford essential medical services.