Low Cost Health Insurance in New York
Sources of Information
There is readily accessible information on the Internet about the details of the programs listed above, along with easy-to-follow directions for where and how to apply. The directions tell you what documents to bring, what the income guidelines are, and how to find a counselor in your area.
The Healthy NY website has thorough information about eligibility for its coverage and details about benefits, much of which can be printed out. There is also a list of places where people can apply for the plan, addresses and telephone numbers. For Child Health Plus, the New York state government website also has detailed information about eligibility (children under 19 years), what the benefits include and where to go to apply. An important feature of the program is that it does cover immigrants with legal status. The same website also has detailed information about Family Health Plus and about coverage for children under the federal Medicaid program.
Each of the programs discussed in Section 1 offers comprehensive services and, in some cases, dental and/or vision benefits. That means coverage for doctor visits, lab tests and X-rays, specialists when necessary, inpatient and outpatient hospital services, prescription medications, emergency services as well as radiation and chemotherapy. These are offered through a network of doctors and other providers, as well as through the major hospitals in each region.
Medicaid in New York state
Medicaid is a government program available throughout the United States. It is designed for people who cannot afford other kinds of health insurance. Medicaid can cover premiums under certain circumstances if you currently pay for health insurance or Medicare but cannot afford the payment. The coverage is comprehensive, including inpatient and outpatient hospital care, doctor visits, laboratory and X-ray tests, mental health services, family planning and nursing home care. Application procedures are outlined in detail on the website http://www.health.state.ny.us/health_care/medicaid/. You will need various documents as identification and proof of income and residence. You can start an application by contacting your local social service office (city, town or regional).