How to Get Insurance Company to Pay for Lasik Surgery
The Procedure
The actual procedure will matter when it comes to requesting assistance from your insurance company. You will need to know such things as the extent of the procedure and if you are doing one or both eyes at a time. Simply knowing what the exact process will be will help your insurance company determine the cost beforehand and give you insight as to whether or not they can help. The necessity of the procedure will also have to be known. If the Lasik surgery is being done simply because you do not want to wear glasses or contacts anymore, chances are almost definite that you will not receive any aid. The surgery will have to be a necessary thing for your survival and functionality in order for an insurance company to cover you.
Interacting with the Insurance Company
Talking with your insurance company will be the next step in receiving aid. Discuss with your agent what exactly the procedure will consist of and why you will be having it. If the surgery is a necessity, you will have to clearly explain this to your agent. You should also supply the agent with any paperwork explaining the procedure. In many cases you can accomplish this via scanning and emailing, snail mailing or faxing. The agent will have to process the information and return a decision to you. If you receive aid, you may decide to have the procedure completed without financial worry. Otherwise, you may have to pay out of pocket.
The Procedure
Completing the Lasik procedure will often happen in the middle of the insurance process. You will have been approved for aid but you will not receive this money directly. You will have the procedure, and the insurance company will fund the money to your medical professional's establishment. However, your only concern at this point should be your own health.
A bill may arrive in the mail shortly if you have recently had your Lasik surgery. The bill will most likely state the full cost of the procedure minus what the insurance has covered. Read the bill carefully to make sure that you are not paying any more than your co-pay. If the balance is more than your co-pay, contact your health insurance agent once again to assure that this mistake will be corrected and the insurance company will cover the costs beyond the co-pay.