Health Care for Poor Children
Health care options for children
There are several programs available for families who need to find health care insurance for their children. These options include: Insure Kids Now!, Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIPs), Medicare and other state-run programs. Most of these programs are administered at a state level but funded mostly by grants from the federal government. Links to these programs can be found in the References and Resources sections below. These health care programs have specific requirements based on income and needs that must be met for families to qualify. Low income is one requirement for these programs, but not the only one.
Insure Kids Now!
The Insure Kids Now! program was started in 1997. This program is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and administered by the states. Program eligibility requirements will vary by state. Insure Kids Now! typically covers doctor visits, hospital care, prescription drugs, dental care, eye care and medical equipment for children under 19 years old. Some states charge a copayment, while others provide these services at no charge. To qualify, a family of four must earn $44,100 or less. Children who are already enrolled in Medicare programs are not eligible for the Insure Kids Now! program. Families who are eligible for this program can remain on it indefinitely as long as they meet the predetermined eligibility requirements. For an application or to verify eligibility requirements for your state, refer to the Insure Kids Now! link in Resources or call (877) 543-7669.
Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP)
President Obama authorized the national Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP), effective from April 2009 to 2013. This program has covered the insurance needs for more than 5 million children nationwide. Each state administers its own CHIP program, determining eligibility and coverage. This program is designed to provide insurance for children in families whose earnings exceed the limits to qualify for Medicaid. There is often a waiting period for Medicaid to be activated. The CHIP program can also be used to cover children until their Medicaid policy takes effect.
New York, for example, administers its CHIP program through a specially designed managed care program. In this program your child's health care is managed by a primary care provider who you select. Health care providers in the New York CHPlus program are located throughout the state to ensure all children in low-income families have access to quality health care. All children under the age of 19 are eligible for this health care program, subject to income eligibility requirements. Benefits include physician visits, medical equipment, hospital visits, prescription medication, mental health visits, speech therapy and hospice care. Families who are eligible for this program in New York pay between $9 and $45 a month for this program.
For information on CHIP programs in your state, contact your local state health department or see Resources.
Medicaid Health Care for Children
Medicaid is a longstanding U.S. national health care program that covers the needs of low-income families and their children. The eligibility of a child is based on his needs, not the status of the parents. So in certain instances, children can be eligible for Medicaid while there parents are not. Income is not the only factor that determines eligibility. Each state has its own requirements based on income and other factors. Some of the most common eligibility factors include: disabilities, age, blindness, pregnancy, income and financial resources. Special qualifications are in place for family members in nursing homes or children with disabilities.
Medicaid program benefits can also vary among states, but this program generally includes coverage for: inpatient and outpatient hospital services, prenatal services, vaccinations for children, physician visits, nursing facilities, family planning medication and supplies, services for rural clinics, health care in homes, laboratory services, pediatric visits, ambulatory services, children under 21 EPSDT (early screening, diagnostic and treatment services). Some states also provide the following services: diagnostic care, clinical care, prescription drugs, facilities for the mentally disabled, eye care, nursing facilities for children, health care transportation needs and rehabilitation visits. Some states will fully fund these costs, while others will charge a copayment for services. The fees for health care services are paid directly to the health care provider.
AllKids---Illinois state-sponsored health care for kids
AllKids is designed to provide insurance for all children whose families are not eligible for Medicaid or other state-run health care programs. Most of the children who participate in this program come from working or middle-class families who cannot afford a private health insurance policy. Families pay affordable monthly premiums based on income. This program covers physician visits, hospital services, prescription meds, eye care, dental services and medical equipment. Applications for the AllKids program can be found at or by calling (866) 255-54437, TTY (877) 204-1012. For more information on this program, see Resouces.