How to Apply for MetLife Short Term Disability
Things You'll Need
- MetLife information
- Benefits information
- Telephone
- Fax
- Internet
Talk with your benefits office at work. Make sure you have completed all of the proper forms on that end to ensure your allowable absence from work. You want to make sure you have a job to return to once you've healed.
Find out which type of Short Term Disability you have and what its terms are. Go through your benefits information from your workplace (hopefully you've kept this in a nice file somewhere in your home) to find out the details of it and get the contact information for MetLife.
Call to apply for MetLife Short Term Disability. You will need to answer a series of questions concerning your reason for filing the claim. They will also need you to sign a form allowing them to contact your doctors to discuss your situation.
Be sure to inform your doctors that it is all right for them to discuss your medical situation with MetLife as well. You may have already completed these forms on your initial visit to your physician, but it doesn't hurt to check on it.
Follow up with MetLife to make sure that they have the appropriate information they need to make a favorable decision on your claim. They will contact you of course, but it never hurts to be cordially persistent in checking on the status-this is about getting money that you need to pay your bills and live on while you're out of work. It's quite important to be actively involved in this process.
Keep faxing updated information from your doctor's office to MetLife to continue with your claim for as long as you will be out of work. You want to make sure that you will receive these checks for the entirety of your absence from work. If they need more information than you are supplying them with, they will call you to let you know. But again, it never hurts to call them, just to check.
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