About Healthcare & Life Insurance for Tobacco Users
Several health insurance plans have been put in place to address the problems caused by tobacco use.
Facts about Tobacco Use in the United States
Eighty-one percent of Americans confess to smoking tobacco every day. Around 21.6% percent of these smokers are adults. Currently, over 6,000 deaths related to the inhalation of secondhand smoke from tobacco is reported in the United States. Most of the victims are children under age 5 years.
Health Care
There has been a call for tobacco cessation in the United States. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has provided a set of guideline on tobacco use and cessation. The guideline is titled "Clinical Practice Guideline, Treating Tobacco Use and Dependence: 2008 Update." It calls for smokers to stop smoking tobacco. In partnership with health care providers, U.S. health authorities have set up programs intended to help people who want to quit smoking gradually.
Health Care Insurance
In order to fully help people to stop smoking, some cities in the United States have put up health insurance plans for U.S. citizens who want to stop smoking. These health care insurance plans are intended to cover the expenses that would be needed in the treatment and intervention of smoking and addiction to tobacco.
Life Insurance
Life insurance for tobacco users is more expensive compared to the insurance of people who do not use tobacco. The high price is caused by the high probability of contracting diseases from the use of tobacco and other tobacco products. Tobacco users are more prone to chronic diseases such as cancer; therefore, health and life insurance companies have a negative outlook on tobacco users.
Even nonsmokers can be affected by the harmful effects of tobacco use through the secondhand smoke. Because millions of people are prone or vulnerable to tobacco-related diseases, the cost of health care and life insurance for tobacco users tend to escalate. It is in this way that insurance companies gain some profit. Examined closely from a bird's eye view, it can be fairly said that people who are paying for their health care and life insurance are also paying for the insurance of those who make poor choices in their lives. This is because the increase of life insurance and health care rates is often passed on to consumers.