Where You Can Get Help to Pay Medical Bills
Things You'll Need
- Phone
- Computer
- Envelopes
- Postage
Inquire of the Department of Public Aid to see if you qualify based on income or financial circumstances. Their determination is not just based on income, but dependent costs as well.
Check with your affiliated or local hospital or medical facility. Very often there will be at least one hospital that will waive charges completely. If the hospital or medical facility will not waive charges, inquire of them to see if they will work with you to make payments over a period of time so you can still get the needed treatment.
Check local organizations, such as the Salvation Army, that may be willing to give you some money. Check other state agencies as well.
Check your place of worship. Most religious organizations have some type of fund for emergency aid.
Check with family and extended family to see if anyone is in a position to help with expenses, with a promise that you will set up a repayment schedule. Apologize for asking but convince them that at this point you have very few options.
If you are a military veteran, you are eligible for military coverage.
If you are disabled, you are eligible for Medicare. If you haven't yet applied you should.
Write 20 letters to the largest religious organizations in your city asking for help.
Send a letter to 50 friends and acquaintances if necessary asking for help. Keep in mind that getting well is the key thing.
If all else fails and you have a home, it is possible to get a second mortgage to help fund the treatment.