How to Find Prescription Programs for Seniors
Sign up with AARP. AARP offers its members a chance to save on their prescription medications. This program works as a supplement to Medicare.
Use the National Council on the Aging to help you locate senior prescription programs. They provide a list of prescription eligibility programs based on the information that the senior gives them.
Speak to your insurance company. Check with a representative to see if they have any recommendations for programs that will help cover the cost of prescriptions.
Take advantage of generic drug programs. Wal-Mart and Target are two retailers that offer their customers a chance to access generic medications at a low cost.
Check with a social service representative. These representatives can provide you with a recommendation for a senior prescription program. They will help you fill out the application and let you know how much the program will cover.
Ask your pharmacist. They often have literature on the different types of prescription programs.