Alternatives to AARP Insurance
Individual Health Insurance
Aetna offers discounted individual health insurance to those younger than age 65 through AARP, and United Healthcare offers discounted Medicare plans to AARP members. Health insurance is approved on a state-by-state basis. Your state department of insurance can provide you with a list of health insurance companies approved in your state. can also provide insurance quotes based on plans that are available in your state.
Long-Term Care Insurance
Genworth has partnered with AARP to offer discounted long-term care insurance to AARP members. You can find alternative companies that offer long-term care insurance by contacting your state department of insurance. Another option is a long-term annuity. Annuities are tax-deferred savings vehicles. A long-term care annuity sets up two separate funds: one that can be used immediately for long-term care and a cash fund with deferred access. Continuing care retirement communities are another option. These communities require a large initial deposit along with monthly payments, but provide all levels of care from independent living to nursing home care.
Life Insurance
New York Life insurance Company offers various insurance plans to AARP members. Life insurance is offered by hundreds of companies, and there are numerous websites that offer life insurance quotes. There are two basic types of life insurance: permanent and term. Term insurance is less expensive and is designed to last for a period of time, such as five or 10 years. Once the term period is completed, you may be able to renew the policy, but at a higher premium. Permanent insurance is designed to be in place for life. Whole life is one type of permanent insurance, and has level premiums and a level death benefit. Whole life insurance grows cash value within the policy that can be borrowed against. If you're 50 or older and looking for insurance to cover burial costs, whole life policies may work well for your needs.
Auto Insurance
The Hartford Insurance Company offers a discounted rate on auto insurance through AARP. You can obtain alternative quotes by contacting other auto insurance carriers, including Geico, Progressive, Nationwide and State Farm. provides premium information for other companies as well. There are also car insurance companies that specialize in providing bare bones car insurance for those who are difficult to insure. However, it's always a good idea to get a few quotes so you know you're being charged a fair premium for your policy.