What are the Key Elements Of organisational behavior?
1. People:People are the essential element of organizational behavior. OB studies the behavior of people at work and how it impacts the organisation. It includes employees' attitudes, perceptions, motivation, and interactions with each other.
2. Structure:
The structure of an organisation refers to its formal and informal systems. Organizational behavior examines how the hierarchy, departments, reporting relationships, and communication channels influence employees' behavior.
3. Technology:
Technology plays a significant role in shaping organisational behavior. It includes the tools, systems, and processes employees use to perform their jobs. OB investigates how technology affects employees' work patterns, communication, and collaboration.
4. Culture:
Organisational culture refers to the shared values, norms, and beliefs that guide employees' behavior within an organisation. OB studies how culture influences employee attitudes, motivation, and job performance.
5. Environment:
The environment includes both external and internal factors that impact organisational behavior. External factors consist of the competitive landscape, economic conditions, and government regulations, while internal factors encompass the physical workplace, work schedules, and safety regulations. OB examines how the environment affects employees' behavior and job satisfaction.
6. Change:
Organisational behavior studies how employees respond to and cope with change within the organisation. It includes change in technology, leadership, strategy, or any other aspect of the organisation. Understanding how employees react to change is crucial for effective change management.
7. Leadership:
Leadership is a critical element of organisational behavior. Leaders inspire, motivate, and guide employees towards achieving organisational goals. OB examines the different leadership styles, their impact on employee behavior, and how leaders create a positive work environment.