How to Find Information on a Neurologist
The American Medical Association database provides current and validated information on all physicians. Search the American Medical Association (known as the AMA) site by doctor's name, or by specialty, state, or zip code. The AMA provides information on every licensed physician in the United States. Some doctors are not members of the AMA; however, they are still listed in the database. For your own safety, choose a doctor who is a member of the AMA. Some doctors self-designate specialties that they have not been trained for. The information provided includes doctor's office address, contact information, hours, hospital admitting privileges, health plan participation, specialty, secondary specialties, medical school and residency training, group practice participation, and Board certification information.
Healthgrades provides detailed information and reviews of neurologists and other doctors. Access ratings and reviews on Healthgrades. This website provides contact information, and a map, specialties, schooling and years since graduation, hospital affiliations, insurance plan information, accepting new patients, and whether they provide electronic prescriptions. Ratings are based on overall performance, trust, how the doctor communicates and listens, time spent with patient, scheduling appointments and wait times, office environment and friendliness. The rating system is five stars. Healthgrades lists sanctions and Board actions. The site also reports malpractice and lawsuits for the following states: California, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, North Dakota, Oregon, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont, Virginia and West Virginia.
RateMDs system allows you to read other patient's experiences. RateMDs provides reviews and rates doctors from 1 to 5, on punctuality, helpfulness, knowledge and overall quality. It also provides Information like office contact information, medical school and year of graduation, and whether the doctor is taking new patients.
The State Medical Board is your source for malpractice information regarding your neurologist. Contact your State Medical Board by telephone or email. The board will confirm whether a neurologist is Board certified. The board can provide you with information regarding any sanctions, board actions or malpractice suits.
Speak with someone who has been treated by your neurologist for an honest opinion. Ask for personal references. If you know anyone who has been treated by a neurologist, ask for his opinion. When you are in the waiting room of the neurologist, on your first visit, start a conversation with other patients. Ask if they have been seeing the doctor for a while, and inquire about how they feel he has handled their health problems.
Wellpoint health benefit company members have access to Zagat doctor reviews. Zagat, the internationally known restaurant rating service, has branched into the physician review business. If you are a member of WellPoint health benefits company, you have access to Zagat's reviews, based on their 4-point rating scale.