Business Health Resources

The National Business Group on Health conducted a survey in October 2010 regarding where people turn to learn more about health resources. Three quarters of respondents said the first place they go to learn about the health resources available to them is to their employers. More people turn to their employers for health information than to their doctors. In response to this shifting dynamic, more businesses are taking steps to make health resources and information more readily available to their employees.
  1. Targeted Programs

    • Governments and organizations make a number of self-management programs available to businesses to help them reduce specific health problems within the workplace. There are work site resources available for reducing and preventing arthritis, asthma, cancer, heart disease, diabetes, obesity and more. By targeting specific health problems and providing resources to help employees take more control of their health in certain areas, businesses hope to reduce lost productivity and work time related to these conditions.

    Fitness Centers and Wellness Consulting

    • Many businesses offer fitness centers, flexibility about hours to allow employees to work out or financial help to cover the cost of gym memberships. These businesses encourage employees to take a more active interest in getting fit. Good fitness can translate into better alertness and more productivity. Many businesses are also starting to explore the benefits of offering wellness and stress assessments to help employees recognize problem areas and to develop coping strategies in those areas.

    Offsite Services

    • There are a number of third-party companies offering health resources and services to businesses. These companies help businesses establish health and wellness programs for employees. They also provide a number of off-site professional health services to client businesses. Some options for services may include occupational therapy, behavioral therapy, health screenings, return to work programs and stress management programs.


    • Because conditions like carpal tunnel syndrome can inhibit employee performance and even result in the loss of good employees, ergonomics consulting programs are something that many businesses take advantage of. In such a case, an ergonomics consultant comes in to evaluate the work environment and make recommendations that can prevent both acute and cumulative injuries.

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