How to Design a Protocol
Creating a Medical Protocol
Appoint a medical director. This person will be in charge of writing all medical protocols for each type of health care provider in which he is responsible. Typically, an emergency room physician is the medical director for emergency medical service (EMS) companies working in the community and the health care providers employed in the hospital's emergency department. The medical director will determine what treatment, tests and procedures will be included within the scope of practice for his staff.
Write the protocols. The medical director must write detailed, systematic instructions for each treatment, test and procedure within the protocols, giving specific instructions on how to perform every element of each task. Tips and warnings can be included to offer assistance to those following the protocol. Techniques for making the process better for the patient may also be added. Proofread each one to check for errors. Test each set of instructions for accuracy prior to putting the protocols into effect.
Hold a staff meeting to educate employees about the medical protocols. Give them the opportunity to read the protocols, ask questions and voice any concerns or comments. Allow them to practice any new or complicated techniques included within the protocol prior to implementing it in the work place. Notify employees each time changes or updates to the protocols occur. Protocol tests can be administered to health care providers to assure they are knowledgeable about the information included within the medical protocols.