Philippine DOH Requirements in the Allotment of Hospital Beds
Statistical Reporting
Under DOH requirements, hospitals must submit a Hospital Statistical Report to the National Center for Health Facility Development every quarter. The statistical report details bed occupancy and capacity. These reports help determine hospital budgeting since funds are based on the allotted number of registered beds in each health facility. DOH has 45 originally retained hospitals, 6 newly established hospitals and 21 renationalized hospitals.
Allocation Criteria
Philippine allocation for hospital budgeting is based on the cost per bed day versus licensing category. When a hospital has a higher authorized bed capacity, it will receive higher granted subsidy. Unfortunately, with this budget basis, bed capacity may not reflect the real number of beds a hospital will use in its actual operations. Hospitals can receive the Maintenance and Other Operating Expenditures subsidy through this type of budgeting. The subsidy gives funds toward hospital personnel and personal service payments.
Health Facilities Enhancement Program
The DOH will grant resources to provincial hospitals through special health programs. The Health Facilities Enhancement Program provides essential health services such as care for newborns and mothers; prescribing quality and affordable medicines to the poor; outlining nutritional regiments along with controlling tuberculosis outbreaks and aiding TB cases. DOH budgetary requirements for this program are determined by a bed allotment-to-population ratio for MOOE subsidy.