Pharmacy Delivery Grants
NASPA/Merck State Pharmacy Associations Grants
The National Alliance of State Pharmacy Associations-Merck Grant Program supports projects which provide educational programs tailored for the pharmacy associations' administrative staff, improve interstate and intrastate communications among associations, and advocate policies beneficial to the member pharmacies in state associations nationwide. Proposed project may qualify to receive a maximum of $15,000. The NASPA/Merck Program awards a total of $50,000 annually to grant recipients.
Comprehensive Pharmacy Services Network Grants
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services-Comprehensive Pharmacy Services Network grants are awarded to local healthcare centers in underserved communities for the development of pharmaceutical services. CPSN grants are intended to improve the safety measures in medication disbursement, develop an integration system for healthcare information management, obtain advanced and assistive communication technology, and organize pharmacy delivery networks. Nonprofit, interdisciplinary organizations established for the collaboration of pharmacists, clinicians, patient advocates, financial officers, community activists, information architects and technologists to plan and implement a pharmaceutical delivery system to increase a population's access to medical services are encouraged to apply.
Community Pharmacy Foundation Focus Grants
Community Pharmacy Foundation focus grants fund projects which improve the daily practices of community pharmacies nationwide. The CPF Grants support studies that are relevant to the pharmaceutical community and the implementation of specialized services practiced in community pharmacies. The Community Pharmacy Foundation's Medication Therapy Management Services Initiative promotes the arrangement and establishment of matching grants opportunities between the Colleges of Pharmacy and professional pharmacy associations with medical foundations and healthcare providers.
NACDS Foundation Research and Mission Advancing Grants
The National Association of Chain Drug Stores Foundation Research and Mission Advancing Grants Program funds projects that serve to educate patients regarding medication therapy and increase their awareness of healthcare services offered by community pharmacies. NACDS enables community pharmacies to establish Medication Therapy Management Programs to improve medication compliance among its local patients and advance public wellness initiatives. If an applicant's NACDS grant proposal involves consenting human subjects, the applicant must first obtain approval from their university's institutional review board before submitting their grant application to the National Association of Chain Drug Stores Foundation.