Chattanooga 120 Muscle Stimulator Specs
This stimulator provides low volt muscle stimulation when the electrodes are attached. The machine can be purchased with two or four channels of stimulation. The greater the number of channels the more muscles you can stimulate at the same time. Two channels work with four pads and four channels works with eight. The overall effect is to loosen and strengthen the areas.
A benefit of this stimulator is that it can be used with reusable electrodes. This helps to keep personal costs down. It is small and portable so you can use it anywhere in the house or while you travel. With the "patient treatment stop" button, even if you set yourself up on the machine, you can easily stop the electricity.
The Chattanooga works in three modes. The pulse mode works with a shock and pause electrical current. This makes it feel almost like a massage is being performed on the muscles. The surge mode starts with low voltage and surges up to a higher voltage. It works with this as a shock and pause, but the shock segment is significantly longer than the pulse shock. Tetanize/Reciprocate makes the nodes work together. One node on each channel is stimulated, when it stops the second node on that channel is turned on, making the muscles continually stimulated, but in waves.
The machine comes with a 1 to 30 minute timer. You can set the timer at the beginning of your session, and it will turn off once the appropriate time has passed. You can control the frequency anywhere from 1 to 80 Hz. For the "surge" setting you can choose the low and high point. The machine peaks out at 110V.