How to Find My VA Claim Number
When you become eligible for, apply for and receive Department of Veterans Affairs benefits, a claim or file number is established for you and your care. This claim number appears on any correspondence from the VA. Find your claim number by looking in the upper-right-hand corner for a number preceded by the letters "C," "XC," "CSS" or "XSS." In some cases your Social Security number is your claim number, and it will work as a substitute for a missing claim number in some situations.Instructions
Find a piece of correspondence from the VA directly to you as the beneficiary.
Look in the upper-right-hand corner for a number preceded by the letters "C," "XC," "CSS" or "XSS." Sometimes this number is the same as your Social Security number.
Call the VA benefits line at 800-827-1000 and inquire about your personal claim or file number, if you do not have or cannot locate correspondence directly from the VA. Provide your Social Security number and other personal information to identify yourself.