How to Find an NPI Number

A national provider identifier (NPI) is a HIPAA standard outlined as a federal regulation under the HIPAA legislation of 1996. The NPI number is a 10-digit identification number used for covered health care, health plans, health care providers and health care clearinghouses. It is mandatory for health care providers to use an NPI number and share the number with other health providers and entities that need an NPI for billing purposes. Several websites provide databases to enable you to find an NPI number.


  1. NPIDB

    • 1

      Visit the NPIDB website.

    • 2

      Scroll down the page until you reach a section entitled "NPI Lookup for Doctors" and "NPI Lookup for Organizations."

    • 3

      Enter your doctor's state, first and last name and then click "Search," or enter the organization's name and state and then click "Search."

    • 4

      Write down the NPI number of your doctor or organization.

    NPI Number Lookup

    • 5

      Visit the NPI Number Lookup website.

    • 6

      Enter the first and last name of your doctor and their state.

    • 7

      Click "Search for NPI" to find an NPI number.


    • 8

      Visit the HMEdata website.

    • 9

      Enter the full name of your doctor in the "Individual Provider" field or enter the organization's full name in the "Organization Provider" field.

    • 10

      Click the "State" drop-down list to select the state where your individual or organization provider is located, and click "Search NPI database" to find an NPI number.

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