How to Check Out Medical Doctors
The website provides ratings and information about medical doctors credentials, affiliations and patient care. (See Reference 1)
Type in the name of the doctor you want to check out and the location of the doctor in the space provided. Click "Check-up Now." This will take you to a new page with the doctor's name, contact information, specialty and career highlights.
Click "View Full Profile" under the doctor's name.
This will take you to a new page with the doctor's name, and overall rating.
Scroll down page for more information. This will provide the doctor's hospital affiliations and hospital ranking, the institution where the doctor studied and the ranking of the institution, and the doctor's awards and distinctions. You can also see patient ratings on the page for the doctor's track record with several topics, which include ease of appointment, promptness, courteous staff, accurate diagnosis, bedside manner, follow up and "spends time with me."