How to Present Nurse Manager Policies
Hold staff meetings and in-services to discuss nursing department policies and procedures. This allows the entire staff to gather and discuss the policies. Questions can be answered and concerns addressed. Meetings can be scheduled as often as needed. Schedule meetings at different times to allow all staff members, including those on duty, to attend.
Use memos to notify staff members about policies regarding their department. Memos can be sent via email or printed and placed into employees' mailboxes. Copies of memos can also be attached to an employees pay stub to ensure it is received. They can be customized to include information pertaining to individual employees. Graphics or charts can be added to memos to help illustrate a specific point. A copy of each memo can be kept in a binder or folder allowing employees to refer to the memo when needed.
Create informational and entertaining presentations using computer programs. Presentations can be given to large groups or individually. Computers can be set up to display the presentation at the nurses' station or staff lounge where employees can view them at their convenience . This allows all staff members a chance to view the policies while at work. Policy presentations can be saved and updated by nursing managers when changes occur.
Schedule individual employee meetings to discuss policies or the violation of policies with staff members. This allows the policies to be discussed in a private environment away from co-workers. Individual meetings can also be scheduled with employees who are unable to attend a staff meeting due to schedule conflicts, giving them the opportunity to be advised of new policies or any changes to existing policies.
Organize policies into a handbook that can be given to employees. Handbooks can be referenced any time staff members have a question or concern. Employees can add new policies or changes to existing policies to their handbook, keeping them up-to-date. Nursing managers can keep a copy of the policy handbook at each nursing station or in the manager's office for employees to look at.