Diversity Training in Healthcare
CLAS Standards
The U.S. Office of Minority Health maintains the National Standards on Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services (CLAS Standards), which are national healthcare mandates and guidelines to which healthcare organizations must train. CLAS Standards teach healthcare providers how to deliver culturally and linguistically appropriate health services, such as how to treat a patient with limited English proficiency.
Diversity Training Publications
Organizations such as the National MultiCultural Institute (NMCI), a nonprofit devoted to providing information related to diversity and multiculturalism, provide resources for diversity training in the field of healthcare. NCMI's publications on multiculturalism training for healthcare providers outline step-by-step guidelines for developing programs to meet the diversity training needs of healthcare professionals, including providers and administrators.
HRSA Resources
The U.S. Health Resources and Services Administration also provides tools for diversity training in the field of healthcare, including cultural competency assessments, quizzes, guides, workbooks and web-based training programs such as a video series on healthcare diversity topics.