Ethics in Healthcare Management
ACHE Code of Ethics
The American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE), an international professional society of healthcare executives, maintains the "ACHE Code of Ethics," which sets standards of ethical behavior for healthcare executives in their professional relationships and with patients. Per the ACHE Code of Ethics, healthcare managers should "conduct professional activities with honesty, integrity, respect, fairness and good faith in a manner that will reflect well upon the profession."
Case Studies in Healthcare Management Ethics
Frankie Perry, author of "The Tracks We Leave: Business Ethics in Healthcare Management," says that healthcare managers are often confronted with complex and morally ambiguous situations. According to a review of "The Tracks We Leave" published in the journal, "Health Progress," Perry analyzes real-life case studies to offer ethical guidance pertaining to five morally-complex topics in healthcare management: medical errors, conflicts of interest, gender discrimination, physician impairment, and workforce reduction.
Structures and Goals
According to an American Medical Association report, "Organizational Ethics in Healthcare," in order to improve managerial ethics in healthcare, more focus should be placed on the structures of ethical decision-making within organizations and the ethical goals of healthcare organizations. Enhanced focus on structures and goals within healthcare organizations should ensure greater ethical accountability among healthcare managers.