How to Write Healthcare Policies & Procedures
Write your mission statement. What are you hoping to accomplish with your business, why is the business being started, and what will you offer that others do not.
Write out how your employees are to be treated. Include what you will pay your employees and what the benefits are that they will receive. Scheduling and reimbursements, if any, should also be addressed. Include who should be contacted in certain situations, what the chain of command is, and what happens in cases where the employee is not performing their duties properly.
Write what services you will offer. Each service will need to have a list of what it entails, how the service will be performed, and how the service is to be requested and documented. Rates for the service should also be included in your policies and procedures.
Set up your billing system and write it into your policies and procedures. Make sure to include how you will file insurance, how to work with claims that are not paid or that have been denied and how to bill patients.
Separate your policies and procedures into sections for patient information and employee information. You can use your policies and procedures to create a patient and employee handbook so that everyone involved in the business will know what to expect as well as what is required.