What Are the Duties of an Office Assistant in a Medical Setting?
Administrative Work
Many assistants do administrative work, including handling and filing medical records and answering telephones. Office assistants are also responsible for scheduling appointments and maintaining a doctor's schedule. If a patient calls with a complaint or a question, the office assistant is the person responsible for fielding and handling the question. If the doctor needs medical records from another hospital or medical facility, it is the office assistant's responsibility to retrieve that information. Office assistants also deal with billing clients and writing letters for the clinic.
Working With Patients
Medical office assistants sometimes are responsible for working directly with patients. In some smaller offices or clinics, they may actually assist the doctor while he is examining or treating patients. According to StateUniversity.com, they may even do basic tasks such as checking height and weight and taking a patient's blood pressure. Before the doctor sees a patient, an office assistant may record vital information and medical history for the doctor to review. They may also recommend basic home treatment and medication to patients who call in with questions.
Managing the Office
In some cases, office assistants are responsible for managing the everyday operation of the medical office. These duties include ordering and scheduling maintenance for office supplies, handling bookkeeper duties, managing tax forms and paying office utility bills. Some office assistants are even responsible for buying the office's furniture. Another important duty is dealing with health insurance companies, such as filing claims and recouping money.