North Carolina Work Place Wellness Programs
NC HealthSmart
The North Carolina State Health Plan for teachers and state employees created the NC HealthSmart Worksite Wellness program to help workers manage stress and adopt habits that lead to a healthier lifestyle. The plan includes physical activity, healthy eating and assistance with quitting smoking. Member employers and employees of the state health plan are encouraged to participate in work place wellness by organizing the program at their particular locations. The website provides tips on how to get the program started in addition to brochures, presentations and employee materials. These items were designed as guides to implement wellness programs in North Carolina public schools and universities, state agencies and community colleges.
WorkHealthy America
WorkHealthy America was created by NC Prevention Partners, a statewide nonprofit that helps residents reduce preventable illnesses and deaths caused by poor nutrition, tobacco use and lack of physical activity. The program is targeted at employers and can be tailored to fit the needs of any company. Any North Carolina business that is interested in implementing the program can participate in an online survey where it will receive grades based on its wellness benefits, policies and environment. Businesses that sign up can receive action plans and WorkHealthy America resources that will help them create healthy workplaces for their employees.
The Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center is an employer in North Carolina that provides a workplace wellness program to help employees improve their overall health. ActionHealth is a program designed to encourage employees to change their nutritional habits and eat healthy foods, increase physical activity and end their use of tobacco. The medical center has created on-site programs and classes to educate employees and help them meet their health goals. They encourage workplace wellness through offering choices for healthy foods in vending machines and cafeterias, as well as designating walking routes campus-wide. Employees also can participate in annual health risk assessments. The ActionHealth program was recognized by the NC Prevention Partners and the medical center was given the Prevention Award for a health care organization.