How to Apply for an NPI Number
National provider identifiers are required now by all insurances in order to process claims properly and gain access to medical information. Acquiring an NPI number is a really simple process and can be done either online or by paper application through the mail. However, if the physician or facility doesn't have a social security number, you must apply through the mail on paper. If you do apply by mail, you must return all the application documents and a copy of the letter or email that you received from the National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES). Physicians or facilities who apply for an NPI number should save a copy of the NPI paperwork, including the letter received from the NPPES.Instructions
Application Preparation
Go to the NPPES website. (See Resources)
Click on the link that says "National Provider Identifier (NPI)" which is for Health Care Providers.
Gather information needed, such as the provider's name and social security number, date of birth, birth country and state, gender, mailing information, office location, phone numbers, states license number, email and a contact person who can receive information, such as an office manager. Click the link "Apply Online for an NPI" once you have gathered all the information required and are ready to proceed.
Thoroughly read the application instructions and click on the link "Begin Application Form."
Choose an NPI User ID, however the user ID should be something you will easily remember, because it can't be altered and will follow you throughout your career as a physician or facility.
Choose an NPI Password that should be between six and 12 characters in length, containing at least one number and letter. For security purposes it should not be the same as your user ID.
Select a secret question and this will assist you in the event you ever forget your NPI password in the future and require it to be reset.
Actual NPI Application Steps Online
Fill out the application carefully, make sure you fill all the application fields marked with an asterisk (*).
Fill in all pertinent personal information as requested.
Fill in the appropriate mailing address and provide all contact information as requested. Mailing addresses should reflect either the office or home address.
Fill in the physical practice location address accordingly. The physical address must be the practice location of operation and cannot be a post office box.
Fill in any physician or facility identifier numbers such as the UPIN number which was the old provider identifier number. However, if you don't have a UPIN, leave it blank.
List a contact person who will be able to receive NPI information and fill in the contact email address and click on "Submit."