How to Operate a GoWalking Pedometer
The Go Walking pedometer is a small, basic pedometer with a simple setup. Expensive pedometers offer additional features, but not necessarily increased accuracy. This pedometer effectively helps participants reduce health risk factors and to reach their goals.
Things You'll Need
- Go Walking pedometer
- Pitcher of water
- Level driveway or sidewalk
- Tape measure
- Local high school track (optional)
Operating the Go Walking Pedometer
Set up the pedometer. Set the pedometer's distance mode to operate in either miles or kilometers. Determine current settings in distance mode by pressing "Mode." To change miles to kilometers or vice versa, press and hold "Reset" for five seconds. This will change the stride-setting measurements from inches to centimeters and weight-setting measurements from pounds to kilograms.
Calculate the step length. Robert Sweetgal has an excellent puddle walk technique from his book, "Pedometer Walking." Get a pitcher of water and pour it out, making a puddle on a level driveway or sidewalk. Step in the water, and then walk away from the puddle at a natural pace. This leaves a trail of wet footprints. Use a tape measure to find the distance between the heel-strike of the left footprint and the heel-strike of the right footprint. This is the step length.
Enter the step length. Press "Mode" on the display panel to distance. Press "Set" repeatedly to enter personal stride length. Each button press advances the stride one inch or centimeter. The display will return to the distance mode after five seconds. To go immediately, press "Mode." The pedometer will only count upward to 96 inches or 240 cm.
Set the calorie counter. To measure calories, enter weight into the pedometer's memory. Press "Mode" on the display panel to get kcal (Calories). Press "Set " continuously to enter a personal weight. Each press advances the weight by one pound or one kilogram. The display will return to the kcal mode after five seconds. To go immediately, press "Mode."
Set the clock. Press "Mode" for clock. Press "Set" to enter the setting. The display will flash. Press "Reset" to set the hours. Press "Set" to set the minutes. (A=am, P=pm). Enter am or pm while the numbers are still flashing. If flashing stops before finished, press "Set" again. The clock will return to clock mode after six seconds. To go immediately, press "Mode."
Wear the Pedometer close to the body. Attach the pedometer with the clip to a belt or a waistband. Keep the pedometer horizontal with the ground to prevent false readings. Begin by pressing the reset button for two seconds. All functions will reset to zero. Begin tracking steps. Be aware that walking styles differ. Automatic sensitivity adjusters in this pedometer compensate for different styles. Go about activities normally while wearing the pedometer and do not change any activity patterns. Then determine the need for increased activity.