What Is Applied Health Informatics?
There is a growing need for applied health informatics that allows for a more efficient standard delivery of services among health care professionals. It provides significant improvement by which medical professionals are able to exchange and process communication in medical practice and management with the aid of computer technology.
Computer hardware and software are used with communication devices in order to form a network that collects and analyzes information and enhances medical procedures in a convenient manner. It can be applied in various health environments such as hospital, rehabilitation, primary care and general medical practices.
Health informatics use IT technologies such as electronic health records, bar coding, computerized provider order entry, radio frequency identification, clinical decision support systems, automated dispensing machines for medication doses, and picture archiving and communication systems for radiological images. It also integrates electronic communication that is secured and safe.
With an organized medical procedure and information readily available through the applied health informatics technology, health care professionals are able to provide improved patient care.
The advancement in computer technology integrated to the medical field opens an avenue for a more efficient management of patient records through computerization, high-speed processing of patient data and information, and enhancement of services delivered in the medical profession.