What Is Patient Health Information?
From birth health information is collected, shared and stored From the moment of birth, health information is gathered throughout the course of a person's lifetime. The American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA) defines this information as "clinical data captured during diagnosis and treatment, demographic, research, epidemiological, and reference data."
The contents of patient health information impacts all areas of the health care industry Analyzing and sharing patient health information has great significance across the health care industry. According to AHIMA, "Clinical data supports direct patient care. Epidemiological data reveals disease trends. Financial data gives cost context and understanding of rules of reimbursement."
Patient health information can be dispersed in 3 ways Patient health information can be transmitted in 3 ways. It can be documented on a computer and shared through electronic medical records. It can be documented in written records. Finally, it can be shared orally in personal or by telephone conversations between health care professionals.
HIPAA legislation protects the privacy of patient health information In 1996, Congress enacted the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). This law "gives you rights over your health information and sets rules and limits on who can look at and receive your health information."
Learn what measures your healthcare providers take to protect their patient health information The guidelines and limitations on distribution and storage of individual patient health information is mandated by law. Ask your health care providers about what systems they utilize to ensure your privacy and confidentiality.