Difference Between Canadian and American Health Care

In the late 1990s, a Harris poll showed that both Canadians and Americans shared comparable views concerning health care, but that the United States' political leaders have not listened to the desires of their consituents.
  1. Canadian Overview

    • In 2009 PBS's NewsHour researchers reported that Medicare is Canada's universal health care system, which is publicly funded and dispensed, and delivers care primarily through private providers. Private insurance companies exist in Canada, however, the federal government prohibits them from covering the same benefits as Medicare does.

    American Overview

    • NewsHour also reported that the majority of Americans receive insurance through their employer's private insurance. Medicaid is a state-funded program that covers low-income families, disabled individuals, and low-income pregnant women. Managed by the federal government, Medicare is a program that covers the elderly. Children of low-income families are covered under the State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) and veterans are covered by the Veteran's Health Administration (VHA)

    Canada Coverage

    • According to Michael Borowitz, a senior health policy analyst for the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development in Paris, in 2009 necessary medical services--including hospital and doctor visits--are guaranteed benefits in Canada's single-payer Medicare system. Dental care, out-patient prescription drugs, and rehabilitation services are not covered, but private insurance can be purchased to cover those areas. Different provinces may also give those benefits to certain groups (e.g., senior citizens). Waiting lists often exist for elective surgeries.

    United States Coverage

    • Coverage depends on the type of insurance an American has, but coverage often includes inpatient and outpatient hospital care and doctor visits. Many insurance plans include preventative care, dental care, and prescription drug coverage, according to Borowtiz.

    Canadian Financing

    • Federal and local income taxes, employee taxes and sales taxes finance Canada's program. Many of the regions charge a small monthly health care premium. According the World Health Organization (WHO), in 2006 public funds made up about 70% of total health care expenditures, while 30% is private expenditures.

    United States Financing

    • The United States government uses money from taxes to pay back the providers who care for individuals registered for Medicare, Medicaid, SCHIP, or veterans benefits. A tax subsidy also exists for employer-based insurance. Forty-six percent of the total health spending in the country was funded by the government, according to WHO 2006 statistics.

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