Nurses: Associate's Degree Vs. Bachelor's Degree
There are two pathways to become an RN.
You can earn an ADN at a community, or junior, college. BSN programs, on the other hand, are offered through colleges and universities.
The ADN is a two-year degree, while it takes four or more years to earn a BSN. After graduation, both ADN and BSN graduates are eligible to take a national examination known as the NCLEX to earn state-specific licensure as an RN.
Both ADN and BSN programs offer a combination of didactic learning and clinical practice. BSN programs typically offer more specialized clinical practice in areas such as community health nursing and nursing leadership.
Nurses with a BSN have taken classes in nursing theory and research that better prepare them for positions in research, education and advanced clinical practice.
Job Market
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, nurses with a BSN will have more options as they advance along their career paths. Many health care positions are open only to BSN-prepared nurses and BSNs as a rule earn more.