How to Get a CNA License
Check your state's guidelines for licensing requirements, as each state has different requirements for CNA candidates. First check to ensure you naturally fit the qualifications, as per your age, schooling and criminal history.
Search for CNA training classes in your area. Some health care facilities are required to hold CNA classes every three to six months. Visit your local hospitals and nursing homes and ask when their next class is. You may need to be hired by the facility before receiving training.
Contact your state agency for nurse aide training (see Resources) if you are unable to find classes near you. The agency will not only be able to find training for you, but may also inform you of grants, scholarships or free programs you could attend. Obtain training for free whenever possible. The cost of CNA training and licensing is anywhere from $300 to $900, depending on your state.
Fill out a "Verification of Training" form to send to your local Nurse Aide Registry once you have found training. The form will take four to six weeks to be processed, which is why you must send in the form before your training. This way you can go to work as a CNA as soon as you complete your training. The registry will then verify that you have received your training from an accredited program and will approve your license. Most training programs will ask you to fill out this form at the beginning of training and will send the form for you.
Attend classes and follow directions. Whenever possible, observe fellow nurse aides at work. Every CNA must undergo a practical and theoretical exam before given a license. Although a caring sensibility is much appreciated by trainers, knowledge and precision is what ultimately matters.