Cost of Nursing Education
Cost of Education for an LPN Degree
Most colleges no longer offer a licensed practical nurse (LPN) degree since most hospitals are looking for employees with a two year registered nurse (RN) degree. However, some schools still offer a LPN degree for those who are interested, and most can be found at technical schools, such Concord Career Institute. They have what is considered a fast track program, where the degree can be achieved in a shorter period of time, around 18 months. According to Concord, their LPN degree costs $250 per semester hour. The degrees program is 45 hours, so the total cost would be $1,1250. This includes books, lab fees and uniforms.
LPN to RN Bridge Program
These programs are starting to become more popular as LPN degrees are phasing out. Junoir colleges seem to offer LPN to RN bridge programs. According to Lake City Community College, their bridge program costs $74.58 per semester hour for 72 hours, with a total cost of $4,983.96. However, this appears to be the same amount of hours as required for a traditional two year associate degree in registered nursing.
Two Year RN Program
Junior colleges, career institutes and technical colleges offer two year degree programs in registered nursing. According to Florida Community College at Jacksonville, their two year RN program is $74.20 per semester hour for 72 hours, with a total cost of $5,342.40. This does not include books, lab fees or uniforms.
Four Year RN Degree
A four year RN degree is generally taken at a four year college, however some community colleges offer a four year degree, but usually to students who already possess an associate degree. For example, according to Florida Community College at Jacksonville, their tuition is $74.20 per semester hour for 120 hours, with a total cost of $8,904. A more traditional four year college, costs a bit more. The University of North Florida at Jacksonville costs $139.73 per semester hour for 120 hours, with a total cost of $16,733.60 . Neither program includes lab fees, books or uniforms in the tuition.