How to Create a Healthcare Budget
Things You'll Need
- Word processing program such as Microsoft Word
- or
- Pen and paper
Create a column labeled "Patients," and write (or type) your and your family's names (if applicable) in a column down the left side of the page.
Next to the "Patients" column, create the following six columns by labeling them horizontally across the top of the page as the column headers: Medical, Dental, Vision, Prescriptions, Over-the-Counter (OTC) and Emergencies.
Think about the types of appointments or needs you anticipate each member of your family to have and the cost associated with the visit(s). Write in those amounts at the intersection point for the family member and associated category on the grid you have created.
Add up the amounts listed under each category to get the Category Total. Add up each Category Total to get your Total Healthcare Budget.
Create a new grid. List each month of the year down the left side of the paper to create a column called "Months." Write the six categories and Category Totals across the top of the page. (i.e. Medical - $1,500).
Use the new grid to track healthcare expenses from month-to-month. Pay attention to areas where you are spending more or less, and adjust accordingly.