What is a RHIA?
Significance of RHIAs
RHIAs are responsible for analyzing patient data, managing and implementing health care systems.
RHIA Income
According to Payscale.com, RHIAs make from $38,500 to $80,712. Rising health problems in our country make the health care industry a stable industry in which to launch a career.
Hiring an RHIA
RHIAs typically work in hospitals, nursing homes, clinics and HMOs. You can find work as an RHIA at a dental office, physician's office and outpatient care centers.
Growth Potential
The Bureau of Labor Statistics states "health care will generate $3 million new wage and salary jobs between 2006 and 2016, more than any other industry."
Education Requirements
RHIAs are certified by the American Health Information Management Association. RHIAs require a master's degree in health information management.
Most Important Function
RHIAs ensure the "safe" flow of information between patient and health care provider.