What is Health Care Accreditation?
Accreditation in the health care field is used by various organizations and agencies to ensure that healthcare practitioners and facilities meet all of the requirements and are appropriately qualified. The Joint Commission is responsible for accrediting and certifying over fifteen thousand health care establishments and programs in the United States. The Joint Commission Requirements are a catalog of all the values, standards, policies and requirements that are in effect. They publish this listing on their "Perspectives" homepage, which can be viewed by accessing their link which is provided below.
The specifics regarding the accreditation and its subsequent procedures may vary according to the particular area within the field. For example, Ambulatory Care goes by the Comprehensive Accreditation Manual for Ambulatory Care (CAMAC) and Behavioral Health Care must adhere to the Comprehensive Accreditation Manual for Behavioral Health Care (CAMBHC). Other categories include: hospitals, home care, health care staffing services and laboratories.
The Accreditation Commission for Health Care, Inc (ACHC) is a national health care accrediting organization that administers the accreditation process. Generally, the process consists of the following: an application must be submitted along with Preliminary Evidence Report (PER) and a deposit. Once the application is received, a surveyor is assigned and sent to the applicant's place of business. Interviews are conducted with all relevant parties and reviews are conducted. Next, the information is reviewed and given a score. The ACHC requires organizations to attain a minimum of 90% for every segment and section in order to obtain accreditation. Once the accreditation is received, it is good for a period of three years; after that time has passed the organization must undergo another process to keep their accreditation valid.
Additional accreditation may also be conducted by an insurance provider network, healthcare facility or association; in order to evaluate the experience and legitimacy of a provider. Within this process, specifics regarding their background: institution they graduated from, internship, residency, fellowship, Board Certifications and State Medical License(s) are examined. Exploration into the practitioner's professional references, liability claims history, privileges, associated memberships and status with the Department of Health and Human Services may also be required. Whilst some establishments may conduct their own accreditation and credentialing, others may opt to employ a third party (such as a credentialing company) to do so.
The Utilization Review Accreditation Commission (URAC) is deemed the as the key organization, overseeing credentialing and qualification standards for providers in the health care industry. Alongside those lines the group endorses quality and competence of health care deliverance between clients, providers and patients and institutes numerous criterion programs. Information about the URAC and other health care accreditation information can be viewed by visiting the links below.