About the Rascal 205 Scooter
The Rascal Company has electric scooters to meet the needs of all people. The Rascal 205 Scooter is a mid-priced scooter that functions indoors and outdoors.
For over 30 years, the Rascal Company has been making scooters and mobility equipment. They are a family-owned business whose mission is to enhance the lives of their customers by making them more independent. Mobility equipment allows customers to be more active and less dependent on others for daily activities. The company began as Electric Mobility Corporation, and today has over 350 service and delivery points throughout the world.
Rascal makes two ConvertAble Scooters: Rascal 600T and the Rascal 600F. The 600T gives a smooth ride. The 600F has four wheels for extra traction. Rascal makes four FoldAble Scooters. These are lightweight scooters that fold for easy transportation. Rascal offers the 300 Scooter for veterans using VA benefits. It also has an economical Rascal 115.
The Rascal 205 Scooter costs around $3,700 and is a three-wheeler scooter. The wheels are large for ground clearance and for rugged terrain. The 205 has a built-in battery charger and a quiet but powerful motor that enables it to climb hills. The top speed is 5 miles per hour. Backup speed is 2-1/2 miles per hour. It has a 450-lb. capacity and weighs 189 lbs. The Rascal 205 Scooter is a rear-wheel drive model. The Rascal will travel for 25 miles on one charge.
Rascal scooters have a 14-day return policy. The company has 200 service centers, as well as delivery points throughout the world. Phone service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You can contact the company at (800) MOBILITY or (800) 662-4548.
Besides scooters, the Rascal Company offers accessories for your vehicle. They offer a platform called the Rascal Rack and Roll, which attaches to your car for easy transportation of your scooter. The company markets ramps, trunk lifts and lifts for vans, as well as accessories for the scooter, like baskets and beverage caddies.