How to Use Microsoft Healthvault
To use Microsoft HealthVault, you need a Windows Live ID. You may also need an OpenID, otherwise some programs might not work. Once you login into HealthVault, you can add a new ID. You will have to validate your email address to activate the account.
One HealthVault account can contain multiple health records, which are visible on the Records tab. Use the Record tab to switch from one record to another or to add another health record.
You can also allow other to access the records. There are two types accessing rights: "View Only" and "View and Modify."
On the HealthVault interface, you can see the Home tab, which provides a summary of the records in the account. The Health info tab contains information stored in a health record. Each record includes all personal information and health information, such as medications or lab reports of a person and has a maximum size of 100 Mb.
You can add health items using the Health Info tab. There are also options allowing you to edit, modify and restrict access to the health items on a health record.
There are several third-party applications you can use to manage your health information. For instance you can use HealthVault Connection Center to upload information stored in your personal fitness devices.